Ambreena Ahmed

Director of Teachers’ Resource Centre (TRC)

Ambreena Ahmed is the Director of Teachers’ Resource Centre (TRC), the first and amongst the most prestigious teacher education institutions in Pakistan working to empower teachers through professional development for the last 32 years. She firmly believes that teachers have the power to transform education and, if motivated and empowered, can be the catalysts of the much needed change. Her conviction in the glory and strength of teachers and the teaching profession drove her to establish a scholarship fund for teachers– without any training in fund raising or resource mobilization, she was able to convince donors (including corporates, philanthropists and individual givers) to support the cause and TRC, for the first time, was able to train at least 17 teachers, from the public sector and other under-­‐resourced schools, without any cost which continues to benefit government teachers.

Ambreena has engaged with national and provincial level government departments including National Curriculum Council, Education Ministries and other key education policy and implementation stakeholders.